Street Law

General Course Information: Course Offered: Fall
Credits: 1/2 credit

Instructor Information: Instructor: Mr. Larson
Web page:
School Phone: 605-498-2700

Conference Times for Students/Parents:

bullet7:30 am - 8:10 am Monday - Friday
bullet3:10 pm - 4:00 pm Monday  - Friday (except during football season)
bulletIf these times conflict with your schedule, feel free to schedule an appointment.
Texts, Readings, Materials:

Street Law  A Course in Practical Law,   New York: Glencoe


Course Description: Description: Street Law is a law-related education class. An engaging class, Street Law uses interactive methods to give students a practical understanding of law and our legal system. Street Law focuses on legal issues relevant to students' lives and develops knowledge and skills essential in our law-oriented society.
Course Objectives:

1.      Provide a practical understanding o law and the legal system that will be our use to students in their everyday lives.

2.      Improve understanding of the fundamental principles and values underlying the U.S. Constitution, laws and legal system.

3.      Promote awareness of current issues and controversies relating to law and the legal system.

4.      Encourage effective and informed civic participation in our democracy.

5.      Bring about a greater sense of justice, tolerance, and fairness.

6.      Develop a willingness and an ability to resolve disputes through informal and where necessary, formal mechanisms.

7.      Improves basic skills including critical thinking and reasoning, communication, observation, and problem solving.

8.      Improves understanding of the roles that law, lawyers, law enforcement officers, and the legal system play in our democracy.

9.      Provides exposure to the many vocational opportunities that exist within the legal system.

Student Expectations: Attendance is expected! Copying and cheating will be severely punished. While the free flow of ideas and information is essential to an education, the exchange of assignments and materials cannot be. Cheating takes many forms and any attempt to list all the forms of cheating would be incomplete.  Do not copy files from other students.  The student handbook contains the complete policy. The deadlines for assignments should be followed.   Failure to turn assignments in on the due date can result in a 0 for that assignment.  Exceptions may be granted in special situations, but this should be the exception rather than the rule. Any food, gum, or beverages (including water) are not allowed in the computer lab.  When using the computer lab, students are to be using the computers for educational purposes.  This does not include games.
Methods of Assessment:

Pop Quizzes, Tests, Projects, and Homework will be the basis of grading.  Your six weeks grade will be based on a percentage of points you have accumulated and the number of total points possible.  By definition the methods of assessments are:

Pop Quizzes – Short multiple-choice, matching, or true/false questions from your reading.  Pop quizzes will not be announced and will cover items from your book.  Pop quizzes are generally 5-15 questions worth 2 points each.

Tests – Longer multiple-choice, matching, completion, or true/false questions after each chapter in our textbook.  Tests usually comprise of 40-60 questions worth 2 points each.

Projects – Are either individual or group covering a region we have covered in class.  There will be at least one project each six weeks and specific requirements will be discussed further in class.

Homework – Is defined as either work to be completed at home or in class.  All homework questions are worth between one to three points per question.  Homework can be defined as: Section Reviews, Chapter Reviews, Unit Reviews, or Various Worksheets.


**Note: I reserve the right to modify this course syllabus as I seem fit.  Things are subject to change as the year progresses.