Double Matching


This is an activity of double matching.  Columns 2 and 3 contain words associated with Column 1.  The words are not in order.  Write your answers in the space provided at the bottom of the page.


1.      Column 2                                            Column 3

2.      Pierre L’Enfant                                   Fallen Timbers

3.      Old Ironsides                                      John C Calhoun

4.      Telegraph                                           Naval Battle

5.      Lake Erie                                            Morse Code

6.      Lewis and Clark                                 Isaac Hull

7.      Andrew Jackson                                 Louisiana Territory

8.      Steamboat                                          Star-Spangled Banner

9.      Mad Anthony                                     Western Hemisphere

10.  Doctrine                                             Flying Cloud

11.  Clipper ship                                        Battle of New Orleans

12.  Henry Clay                                         Washington D.C.

13.  Francis Scott Key                               Clermont





     Column 1                             Column 2                               Column 3

1.   Fort McHenry                 Francis S. Key                      Star-Spangled Banner

2.   January 8, 1815               __________________         __________________

3.   Capital of U.S.                __________________         __________________

4.   1804 -1806                     __________________         __________________

5.   “War Hawks”                  __________________         __________________

6.   James Monroe                 __________________         __________________

7.   Samuel Morse                 __________________         __________________

8.   Robert Fulton                  __________________         __________________

9.   Donald McKay               __________________         __________________

10. General A. Wayne           __________________         __________________

11. Oliver H. Perry                __________________         __________________

12. “Constitution”                  __________________         __________________



























Extra Credit 1

How many names can you think of that are in the categories below?

The first or last name must begin with the letters in the left-hand column.

Count one point for each correct answer. 


                    State                Capitals            Presidents               Vice Presidents           Sec of State









